On Exhibit in the Gallery…
September 21st, 2018

Works by Colleen Pearce
September 13 – November 7, 2018
Artist’s Statement ~
My art offers a felt experience of nature. My research always begins in the natural world, whether it is observing a leaf dancing its way to the soft forest floor, seeking the cool beneath massive pines, or just getting lost in the mesmerizing meditation of water.
Utilizing the ancient tools of burnt charcoal, graphite, oil paint and paper, I create gestural responses to my encounters with ecology. This work creates a deeply personal stance, in order to elicit a visceral response from the viewer.
Society works best when we can make connections and see the humanity in each other. Currently there is a push to see each other as enemies, rather than the collaborators we are in desperate need of. My small act of hope is situated creating paintings that embed the viewer in the reverence of the natural world. With these reminders of the sublime home that we all inhabit, I yearn to inspire the courage to see ourselves in solidarity with each other and with this beautiful planet.
“Change is rarely straightforward… Sometimes it’s as complex as chaos theory and as slow as evolution. Even things that seem to happen suddenly arise from deep roots in the past or from long-dormant seeds.” – Rebecca Solnit
This exhibit would not be possible without assistance from the Friends of the Bedford Free Public Library.
The public is invited to view the exhibit during regular library hours.