On Exhibit in the Gallery…
July 17th, 2019

Paintings by Marina Thompson
July 11-September 11, 2019.
Marina Thompson’s paintings record an abstracted, introspective expression of communication and human interaction. Communication requires kinetic creativity: layers of light, color, texture, balance, nuance, and surprise. Pattern and repetition, rhythm and interruption shape our lives. Geometry bridges the inner and outer worlds adding structure and sense – both ancient and contemporary. The pulse of color and the play of light and texture are constant sources of stimulation. Color creates light, light creates form. Marina’s paintings explore depth, energy and movement with illusions of volume, space, light, and time. The work is colorful, rhythmic, layered. It speaks of sounds, both local and cosmic, while her visual elements are both macroscopic and microscopic.
This exhibit would not be possible without assistance from the Friends of the Bedford Free Public Library.
The public is invited to view the exhibit during regular library hours.