Friends of the Library Online Book Sale!
October 27th, 2020

Click Here to Shop our Online Bookstore
While it won’t replace the three yearly sales at the library, it will help the Friends support the programs they so generously underwrite. The contact free online sale provides patrons with the option of buying bags of books (4-10/bag) on different subjects from kids’ books to adult fiction and non-fiction, all for just $10! In addition, individual books and sets of books grouped by subject or author are for sale for very reasonable prices. The best part is that volunteers deliver the books to your door! (Bedford only) Payment can be made online, preferably with a credit card. Depending on volume of sales, delivery could take up to a week.
While the Friends can’t take any donations at the moment due to a lack of space, they are working on solutions to this problem so stay tuned!
Proceeds from book sales help underwrite library programs and services, including lecture and film series, additions to the library collection, and museum passes.