On Exhibit in the Gallery…
November 15th, 2021

What Catches the Eye, a juried exhibition by members of Bedford Center for the Arts Photography Group will be on display at the Bedford Free Public Library November 12, 2021 – January 12, 2022.
The show features the work of 25 BCA members from across eastern Massachusetts, juried by well-known Boston photography educator and curator Erin Carey.
Participating artists are:
Bob Bass, Diane Bennet, William Daniels, William Feiring, Rick Fine,
Marv Goldschmitt, Susan Kottler, Deb Lannon, Mark Levinson, Helena Long,
Bruce Magnuson, Charlie Mazel, Vicki McKenna, Melissa Monaghan, Sally Naish,
Paul Newomb, Bonnie Newman, Lisa Redburn, Ellen Royalty, Peter Shaw,
Pip Shepley, Carl Silvia, Betty Stone, Sunder Neelakantan and Martha Wakefield.
The reception for the exhibit is on Sunday, December 5th from 5 to 6 pm at the library.
This exhibit would not be possible without assistance from the Friends of the Bedford Free Public Library.
The public is invited to view the exhibit during regular library hours.