On Exhibit in the Gallery…
February 17th, 2023

2023 BIENNIAL COMMUNITY ART SHOW at the Bedford Free Public Library
March to May 2023
The Biennial is a juried exhibit of art by people who live or work in the Bedford area.
Art and craft in all media is eligible.
Work must be original, created in the last 5 years and not shown before in the Library.
Artists chosen for exhibit by Juror Jane Deering
Rita Maria Akl: The Tree in the Darkness
Judi Babcock : Cranberry Bog 2
Peter Bain: Spring on Hancock Street
Bob Bass: Maple Samura
Marcia Bushnel: The Yazidi Women Sold into Slavery by ISIS
Florence Como: Colorful Bouquet
Frances Grandinetti: Dots and Dogwood
Maria Green: A Maine Moment
Brian Guay: Circle of Life
Sirarpi Heghinian-Walzer: Composition 2
Kelly Heim: Rainbow Trout
Ellen Hurley: Rose Trio
Calla Kahan-Fagan: Stoneware plate
Kati Oates: Misty Morning
Navyasree Patnam: Pair of Glasses
Taline Saatjian: My morning Coffee
Taline Saatjian: Feather Leaves
Pip Shepley: Pére Lachaise
Namrata Siviya: Endless Scroll
Alexander Slanda: Get In
Stanislaw Slanda: Battle
Doris Smith: Contemplation
Susan St. Maurice: Five
Gail Terrell: Summer Tanager family
Dan Vlahos: Jarrett’s Take on Solar (1 of 2)
Dan Vlahos: Jarrett’s Take on Solar (2 of 2)
Martha Wakefield: Swirl into Dusk
Laura Wallace: Free Flight
This exhibit would not be possible without assistance from the Friends of the Bedford Free Public Library.