On Exhibit in the Gallery…
September 23rd, 2023

Dialogue in Nature: Works by Sirarpi Heghinian Walzer.
September 7 – November 8, 2023
Sirarpi Heghinian Walzer’s works are poetic abstractions that spring from meditations on nature and from memories that are distilled into single dramatic moments. The energetic surfaces imply an ongoing tension between freedom and containment, edging the viewer closer to that place where chaos can erupt into clarity. The deliberate juxtapositions of forms and exaggerations of color choices, provide clues to content and interpretation.
Sirapi’s artwork has received multiple awards and was exhibited in galleries throughout Europe and the United States. She is represented by Cove Gallery in Wellfleet, MA and Gallery Twist in Lexington, MA; she is also is a member of Honey Jones Gallery and Gallery 263 in Cambridge, MA and Gallery Z in Providence, RI. Sirarpi studied biomedical systems engineering at Boston University as well as painting and stage design at the Academy for Fine Arts “Die Etage” and Hochschule der Künste in Berlin, Germany. She lives and works in Lexington, Massachusetts.
Artist Statement: “My poetic abstractions spring both from meditations on nature and from memories that are distilled into single dramatic moments. The energetic surfaces imply an ongoing tension between freedom and containment, edging the viewer closer to that place where chaos can erupt into clarity. The color white suggests notions of purity and simplicity, and unifies the disparate objects. The deliberate juxtapositions of forms and exaggerations of color choices, provide clues to content and interpretation.”
The public is invited to view the exhibit during regular library hours.
This exhibit would not be possible without assistance from the Friends of the Bedford Free Public Library.