Local Wildlife Conservation: Bedford and Beyond
March 14th, 2024

6:00 pm—8:00 pm
1st Floor Meeting Room.
Zoo New England (ZNE), the nonprofit that operates the Franklin Park Zoo in Boston and the Stone Zoo in Stoneham, also has a full-time Field Conservation team that are working in New England’s wild places to protect rare wildlife in our own backyards. Come learn about ZNE’s efforts to protect rare and wonderful animals and plants both right here in Bedford and in many neighboring communities. Baby turtles, endangered wildflowers, and beautiful butterflies are all on the agenda, as well as what YOU can do as a local resident to help safeguard these amazing living treasures. Students from Lt. Job Lane Elementary will also be on hand to introduce their baby turtles to you and explain the work they’ve been doing to save an endangered turtle species!
Speaker Bio: Dr. Matthew Kamm is a Massachusetts-based biologist working for Zoo New England’s Field Conservation Department to protect native wildlife right here in New England. Since completing his Ph.D research on native birds at Tufts University in 2019, he has worked on a variety of conservation projects for rare turtles, salamanders, fish, birds, butterflies, and plants.
Thanks to the Friends of the Bedford Free Public Library for sponsoring this program.