VIRTUAL: Creative Couples — Lee Krasner & Jackson Pollack; Helen Frankenthaler & Robert Motherwell
June 14th, 2024

10:30—11:30 AM
This program will examine the relationship of two artistic couples who worked in New York City in the mid-20th Century — Lee Krasner & Jackson Pollock and Helen Frankenthaler & Robert Motherwell. We will explore the contributions of these two creative couples in the artistic revolution of Abstract Expressionism. Although 20 years apart in age, Lee and Helen knew each other and traveled in the same artistic circles in the 1950s. Led by Martha Chiarchiaro, owner of Seeing History, who has brought history to life through the art of the times for more than 30 years. She received her Master’s degree in the History of Art from Williams College and provides a variety of art history presentations at the Worcester Art Museum, the Worcester Institute for Senior Education (WISE), libraries, senior centers, and garden clubs.
RECORDING NOTE: This program will be recorded. All registrants will receive the recording via email within 48 hours of the program.
In Collaboration with the Tewksbury Public Library.
Thanks to the Friends of the Bedford Free Public Library.
ecorded. All registrants will receive the recording via email within 48 hours of the program.
Please register via the Zoom link above.