Kids’ Reading Programs
Kids Reading Programs
You’re one stop spot for seasonal and year-long reading programs. Click on the program title to learn more.
1,000 Books Before Kindergarten
1,000 Books Before Kindergarten is retiring. Patrons already signed up can continue to read and log until September 1. No new patrons can sign up at this time. In the Fall, we will be adding a NEW Family Reading Program that will run from September – May. In the meantime join us for our March Reading Challenges & Summer Reading.
Reading Dragons and Friends is a school-year reading program for children in Kindergarten – 5th grade. It runs from September – May. Sign up anytime beginning September 20.
Children earn cards for reading throughout the year. Reading Dragons cards can be used to play two games: one similar to Rock, Paper, Scissors and one similar to War. Your child will earn one new card for every two hours they read. Listening to audiobooks, graphic novels, magazines and reading with family and friends – it all counts!
Reading must be tracked online using Beanstack. Once you are signed up simply log the minutes your child reads in the app or on the Beanstack website.
Massachusetts Children’s Book Award (MCBA)
Each year, upper-elementary students across Massachusetts are invited to vote for their favorite books of the year. This year’s list of 25 books spans a wide range of genres, formats, and reading levels–there’s something for everyone! Voting will take place in April, giving everyone time to read and think about their favorites. Click here for more info and a link to sign up.
Summer Reading has ended. Prizes may be picked up through the end of August.